It is not a good feeling to look in the mirror and notice stains on your teeth. Dental stains are caused by several factors, it could be the foods you eat or habits like smoking. Removing dental stains is the only way out for people with such problems. However, as much as there are several ways you can get rid of stains, some types of stains can be hard to correct. Some of these stains include age-related stains, intrinsic and extrinsic stains.
Extrinsic Stains
These stains accumulate on your enamel, which is the outer protective layer of your tooth. Even though the enamel is the hardest tissue in your body, it can absorb stains from various drinks and foods you eat. When these stains accumulate for a long time, removing them is very difficult. Getting rid of such stains will need more than basic tooth whitening procedures.
Intrinsic Stains
These are stains found inside your tooth. They mostly occur when the sensitive layer underneath the enamel is stained. Acid erosion is the common cause of intrinsic stains. It does so by wearing down the enamel, which is white in color, and exposes the dentin, which is yellow in color. Given that these stains are inside your tooth, getting rid of them is extremely difficult.
Age-Related Stains
Stains caused by aging are also difficult to remove. Like other parts of your body, the teeth will start showing signs of ageing as time progresses. As one ages, the dentin gets darker and the enamel grows thinner. This combination will result in stained teeth that are very hard to correct. This type of staining also affects your tooth's dentin. It could also result in smaller and thinner teeth. Visit our offices for more information on the types of stains that are hard to correct.
Dental Implants Rancho Palos Verdes, CA | About Dr. Palani Welcome to Palani Center for Dental Implants! We proudly serve Rancho Palos Verdes and Beverly Hills, CA. Featuring cosmetic dentistry, dental implants and more. Palani Center For Dental Implants, 28358 S Western Ave, Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275 + (310) 894-8337 + + 2/12/2025 + Associated Words: Dental Implants Rancho Palos Verdes CA +