Posted on 11/10/2019 by Giri Palani |
When it comes to maintaining a diet that is healthy for the body, you can definitely consume things that aren't good for the teeth. Take sports drinks, for example. They provide electrolytes, calories, and hydration. They are also very acidic and are actually close to soda on the acidic pH index. By knowing what foods are best for the body and the teeth, you can kill two birds with one stone. Great Food for the Body and MouthOne of the best foods for your diet and mouth is fiber-rich fruit and vegetables. Not only are they great for your digestive tract, but the foods with fiber also help your teeth stay clean. The texture of carrots, apples, and celery work like a toothbrush. As you chew them, they remove any bacteria that coat your teeth. There have been several studies on how cheese is a major fighter against tooth decay.Milk, yogurt, and other dairy products are also winners. Your teeth are built with calcium. By consuming products rich in it, they replace the minerals that have been lost. Unsweetened green and black tea contain polyphenols that reduce the effect of plaque on the teeth. Last, if you add some sugarless gum throughout the day, it can aid in keeping your teeth clean between meals and protect against over-brushing. The Wrong Crowd to Hang With Your teeth are living, porous parts of your body. When you are going to eat sweets, choose the kind you can wash out of your mouth quickly with a glass of water. Ones that are sticky sweet are the worst. They stick to the teeth and leave fuel for bacteria to convert into plaque right into the pores. Starchy foods can get stuck in small pockets. A saltine cracker is the worst food for causing cavities. Soda is basically a liquid candy bar. If it is bad for the body, it's most likely bad for the mouth. It's noted that the ADA states that chocolate can wash off the teeth quicker than most candies. If you are going to consume sugary foods, do it with a meal and follow up by rinsing with tap water. For more information, contact us today. |