There can be a few different causes for your gums to be changing their shade. If you haven't been to the dentist in a while, now is the time for you to find a dentist and go in and get checked out. They need to take a peek.
Causes of Gum Darkening
If your gums are much more red than they used to be, you may have gum disease. It can cause your gums to swell, become reddened, and eventually, it can cause you to struggle to maintain your teeth. This needs to be checked out by a dentist, and a treatment plan can be formulated from there.If your gums went black, this is a sign of dead gum tissue. Having necrosis in your mouth is not good. It means the gum tissue is dying and it could make you incredibly sick. Make sure you go in and see a dentist as soon as humanly possible.
When gums turn white, this is often the sign of a fungus. For this, you need to go in and see your dentist and have them treat it. You will usually need to have the fungus scraped off, and then an antibiotic will put spread over the gums to keep them healthy.
If your gums change color, take notice. Contact our office and see what they have to offer in terms of treatment and advice. A minor change may be nothing to worry about, but a major change is something to be careful about. Gum color changes are signs that your gums are struggling with something, so go in and get seen as soon as you can.